Our PhD Student Lada went to the city of London in the United Kingdom as part of the mobility program "Small-scale Researcher Mobility Scheme between the UK and Croatia" and stayed for 3 weeks (17. Feb – 10. March 2024) at Queen Mary University of London, School for Biological and Behavioral Sciences. She was hosted by the group of Dr. Mario dos Reis Barros. The aforementioned group is mainly focused on the application of Bayesian statistics in the estimation of the time divergence of species and the calculation of positive selection. She learned how to prepare input data (using MUSCLE, IQTree, PAL2NAL pipelines) for conducting tests for positive selection using site, branch and branch-site models in Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood (PAML) package, with emphasis on CODEML program. She also improved her knowledge on making time-calibrated trees in the MCMTree program with the species included in her research, where she got to know the methodology of working in the context of phylotranscriptomics, that is, working on hundreds of genes in parallel. Despite her very short stay, in addition to data analysis, she also actively worked on expanding contacts and getting to know scientists at QMUL. She participated in the weekly laboratory meetings of the different lab groups, and met postdoctoral fellows at the so-called "Post-doc coffee on Fridays". She was also invited to give a lecture about her project to grpup of Prof. Ziheng Yang, a renowned scientist in the field of computational molecular evolution, at the University of London (UCL), Department of Biological Sciences, Genetics, Evolution and Environment (GEE).